Friday, 29 June 2012

Blogger Catch Up! Eighteenth & Leavers Ball

It has been a week now that I've been experiencing adult life, and in this time I have had my School Ball, and graduated from school with a silver medal for one of my subjects! So now what? A long summer before university where I should probably attempt to get a job else I'll be left to my own devices an awful lot!

I got a load of lovely things for my birthday! Including an incredibly embarrassing framed photo of me with one of my best friends from our primary school days, where I was dressed in the "fashion" of black and pink punk/goth style clothes with dangly bits. I put fashion in inverted commas because I fail to see how that word can apply to what I'm wearing! haha
Instead of making a birthday haul, I have decided instead to just review some of my gifts, or feature some of them in blog posts. So you shall be seeing these soon! 

Another thing I'm going to notify you of is that my bedroom is finally redecorated! All it is missing is a bed. And the majority of my belongings which are spread around the house! When I feel it is suitably completed I shall take photos for you!
Birthday Celebrations began in a restaurant with friends
Me with my beautiful friend much later on
Me and my best mate at our ball

The next day... My eyelashes stayed on for 30 hours in total!! Eyelure glue truly works ladies!

How are you all doing? 
Rachael Xx


  1. your hair was super pretty at your ball! i love the flowers :D glad you had a great night!!

    Jen xxx

    1. Thanks Jen :) It was a spontaneous decision soon before I left which I was a bit unsure about! It was indeed a fab night. Hope you're having a great week! rach xxx

  2. I swear I commented on this, but apparently not!
    You looked lovely, hope you had a wonderful birthday and ball!
    Mel x

    1. Aw thank you Mel! They were both amazing! Such a good start to summer, and end to school! I hope your weekend has been fab
      rach xx


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