Friday, 13 July 2012

Four books ..

Getting close to the end of the 10 Day You Challenge!
These are 4 books I have really enjoyed reading in the last year

1. Matched - Ally Condie. Okay, I love novels which are about futuristic society. This is one of those. 'Society' completely controls everyone's lives - what you eat, who you marry, what job you do, how many children you have. It's a creepy read at times, but so enthraaaalling. Because you start to make links with things as they are now. It is the first of a series.
 2. Starcrossed - Josephine Angelini. I read this last summer holiday, so can't remember its entirety! But it is a mix of a rom-com and classical mythology - one of my interests. And the heroin's name is Helen - a name I really like haha. This I found tricky to put down!
 3. The Falconer's Knot - Mary Hoffman. This is a more grown up novel, and is a murder mystery set in 14th century Italy. It has a lot of period detail, and is a paced enjoyable read. 
4. Tempest - Julie Cross. This reminds me of The Time Traveller's Wife (a classic, which is also a really good film!) Except the young couple involved are not married, and have not only themselves to deal with, but multiple other time jumpers. It is not the end of the story! I can't wait for the sequel

I know that most of you reading this are a few years older than me! So these may not be your kind of novel! Although I tend to read older fiction anyway. I tried to stay away from more heavily publicised books like The Hunger Games (which I love - who doesn't?! haha)

Rachael Xx

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