Thursday, 1 November 2012

Blind makeup challenge mark two!

Hello Lovelies!
I'm been having a lot of uni fun lately which has meant that my blogging fun has dwindled.. Including a loooot of Halloween stuff lately! (Potential blog post to follow) Me and some uni friends wished to try out the blind makeup challenge one evening so I thought I'd share the pictures on here. My first blind makeup challenge with Euan can be seen HERE.
 Beauty.. ! I did Amy's makeup (She has just started a blog here - Cut Him Out In Little Stars) and she did Kerry's. 
Hope you had a Happy Halloween!! 

Rachael XX


  1. Genuinely you guys are so brave! I'd be terrified to let someone loose with mascara and eyeliner on my face if they couldn't see! The potential for being poked in the eye is too great! haha!

    You both didn't do too bad though! :)

    Aimee Xxx

    1. Haha, it's a real risky business! Not something for everyday wear!
      Thanks for your comment Amy! :)
      Rach X


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